Monday, April 2, 2012


Down at the heart of Merchant City Club oVo is a popular destination for those of you who fancy a slightly classier more romantic scene of merchant cities finest bars and then a good dance session after the pre bev tank is full.

The VIP (Vaguely Importnant Person) room and HIP (Hugely Important Person) room add some quirkiness and have really prided themselves on this club being an innovation.

As an attendee of the opening night I felt as though the club was trying to go for a London club feel, a bit out of the norm with added status.

The drinks were fairly priced however I did notice there was champagne flowing and grey goose to left and right.

The club isn't aimed at students yet more at slightly older age group who are seen as more 'dignified' who have more money to spend.

I would recommend this night if your in a relationship and out with your partner as the club attracts an older more mature crowd and as it is situated in the beautiful Merchant City the mood is romantic.

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